Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dates is good for fasting

 When fasting, business as usual. Do not feel like I'm fasting, so it makes no difference to work while fasting or not fasting. Then, keep in mind that being fast is that we, not others. So just let the work friends who are not fasting, eat in front of us. Or if you have a meeting outside the office and eat it in place, no need to protest,  

Bad Effects Lonely

Loneliness experienced by a person can have an impact on his health condition. Now scientific research suggests long-term loneliness can be harmful to the body as well as cigarettes.

A scientific study found loneliness or social isolation in the long term can damage the body such as smoking or being a fan of alcohol (alcoholic).

Eat Fresh Fruit at Sahur Can Reduce Risk of Dehydration

Fasting means not drinking all day, so the body fluids lost are not replaceable. To prevent dehydration, some things related to eating patterns need to be considered one by including fresh fruit in a meal menu.
Especially certain fruits that contain lots of water can help maintain adequate fluids during fasting all day. Melon, watermelon, cucumber and tomato fruits including recommended to be consumed at meal and break the fast.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Multitasking disrupt brain

In this era, we really depend with gadget and most people thinking that the most sophisticated gadgets can make it more nimble, focused and efficient. But in fact many researchers believe that the human brain can not really do two or more tasks simultaneously.
Researchers revealed that the brain is not going well when one is doing multiple tasks are complex, like driving while talking on the phone
. but in fact we used to do dangerous things like this.

How does multitasking affect memory and attention?

Avoid cigarette smoke

Cigarette smoke can irritate  reduce our health make sure. because cigarette smoke is very dangerous, we can't left that cigarette smoke to around children. Many dangerous particles in cigarette smoke, and it's can trouble a ton of illness. You can reduce or eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke in a simple way as quoted from Mayoclinic, Monday (01/08/2011), among others:

Asbestos product

Asbestos is a natural mineral that is toxic and carcinogenic to humans. Prior to the regulation of asbestos, the mineral was incorporated into a diverse selection of domestic and industrial products, leading to exposure in the workplace and the home.

Workplaces such as construction sites, shipyards and various industrial plants were common jobsites where asbestos exposure was especially known to occur. Consequently, construction and other industrial workers are among the most afflicted occupations for asbestos-related disease.
In addition to these workers, veterans also compose a significant portion of those facing asbestos-connected illnesses. The U.S. Armed Forces utilized asbestos primarily for its fireproofing and insulating qualities, which led to exposure among those serving from
World War I through the Vietnam War. To learn more about exposure, explore the featured sections below:


Asbestos lawyer massachusetts

Nasopharyngeal: carpenters and other blue collar special trade construction
 Colorectal: machinery manufacturing, printing
 Liver: general construction and rubber and plastics
Gallbladder: electrical equipment
Lung: primary metals, shipbuilding, construction, and stone, clay, and glass
Mesothelioma: shipbuilding and asbestos manufacturing 

Asbestos Diseases :
 Pleural Plaques 
G-I Tract

You can see more about asbestos lawyer massachusetts :

Mesothelioma book

here, if you need about book of mesothelioma, i have a little and added more information about mesothelioma to you:

Mesothelioma treatment (CLICK FOR DOWNLOAD)

A relation Asbestos with mesothelioma (CLICK FOR LOWNLOAD) 

Diagnosis, Staging and Treatment in Malignant Mesothelioma (CLICK FOR DOWNLOAD)

will Updated all about mesothelioma

Mesothelioma So Feared

Why mesothelioma is so feared? since become one of the deadly disease worldwide. Mesothelioma is a rare disease and still have not found a cure, so we must be careful not to be exposed to mesothelioma. Like an HIV, Mesothelioma is a rare and so killer.

Here the following is the data about the most deadly diseases:


Mesothelioma powerpoint

Are you know about mesothelioma ?
Mesothelioma is a ill from rare lung cancer and it is begins in the mesothelium. Tumors found in the mesothelioma can be both benign or malignant. Malignant tumors are often called malignant mesothelioma or just mesothelioma. Because this rare lung cancer, until recently there was no effective treatment for mesothelioma. but with  chemotherapy, as well as surgery mesothelioma patients are beginning to live longer than they can hoped for at past.

here many information about mesothelioma power point.