Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dates is good for fasting

 When fasting, business as usual. Do not feel like I'm fasting, so it makes no difference to work while fasting or not fasting. Then, keep in mind that being fast is that we, not others. So just let the work friends who are not fasting, eat in front of us. Or if you have a meeting outside the office and eat it in place, no need to protest,  

when fasting we must be strong with temptation. If it's intent, we need not ask others to join in. fasting to respect us. Instead we should appreciate those who do not fast, by not letting them starve. Later we'll get used to fast in any circumstances, without feeling depressed. 

After that, please eat a diet heavy in carbohydrates. For, although the abortion bit, but carbohydrates have a lot of waste. Forced to eat a diet heavy in terms of carbohydrates will make you feel sleepy after a meal and break the fast, because an empty stomach forced to process heavy foods. 

Reducing the weight of food portions, especially carbohydrates, can also help the stomach to work better when fasting. In addition, consuming natural sugars from fruit, especially dates, can increase endurance and help the healing after illness. 


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